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Zdnet Clock: Overclocking For Mac

카테고리 없음

by ovenprecun1973 2020. 1. 25. 04:23


Zdnet Clock: Overclocking For Mac

ZDNet plays it safe when overclocking. ZDNet Clock does not use any voltage increase for the CPU, the front-side bus (FSB) or the memory modules. Voltage increase leads in increased electro-erosion and shortens the life of the modules in question. They're not using a voltage increase here so electro-erosion doesn't seem to be a problem. Not sure what negative effects frequency overclocking has though. If I had a Mac Pro i'm not sure i'd try it.

Zdnet Clock: Overclocking For Mac

Jun 28, 2008 - The German edition of ZDNet has posted a utility dubbed ZDNet Clock Tool that allows owners of the Intel-based Mac workstations to push the. Figure 1: The latest generation of the Mac Pro (Mac Pro 3.1) with 2.8 GHz can be overclocked with ZDNet Clock up to 3.24 GHz without increasing the voltage or losing stability. So ZDNet.de developed the overclocking tool 'ZDNet Clock' for Mac OS X. The current version 1.0 supports only the Mac Pro and the Apple server Xserve. An Intel processor and the current operating system version, Mac OS X 10.5.x Leopard, are also required.

Seems too risky for an otherwise expensive machine, and the performance bump is hardly necessary at this stage.

Zdnet Clock: Overclocking For Mac

Zdnet Clock: Overclocking For Mac Pro

I know there is another thread but I thought maybe just for results to compare: Can anyone who has tried this on a 2008 mac pro post their results? I imagine the more ram and the more cores will make it tougher to do, but I am very excited to see how this works on my MP. Edit: on my 8core 3.2, 3.312 seems to be very safe. Much over that and I get a kernel crash after errors. Overclocking 8 1GB sticks of ram is going to be very hard no matter what.

Zdnet Clock Overclocking For Mac Pro

The cpu's could probably go much further even without more voltage.

Zdnet Clock: Overclocking For Mac